August 28, 2024

Retrospective: The Turing Dialogues

The first season of our roundtable series ”The Turing Dialogues: The Challenges of AI“ ended successfully, and was rich in discussions and exchanges. Organized in collaboration with the Turing seminar from the Department of Computer Science at ENS Ulm and the MVA Master on AI Security, these meetings brought together students, researchers and professionals to discuss the challenges and opportunities related to artificial intelligence.

Each roundtable, taking place from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at ENS Ulm in the Jaurès room, attracted between 30 and 100 participants. Our audience was composed of ENS students, but also researchers and actors in the ecosystem.

Here is a summary of the topics covered and the speakers who contributed to this series of roundtables:

Thursday, March 28: Building ethical and reliable AI: challenges and perspectives

  • Summary: This roundtable explored the opportunities and risks associated with the rapid development of AI. The speakers discussed ways to build ethical and reliable AI, in the service of the general interest, as well as the safeguards needed to frame this powerful technology, in particular those proposed by the EU AI Act.
  • Speakers:
    • Vincent Corruble, Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence at Sorbonne University
    • Victor Storchan, Mozilla Foundation representative

Thursday 11 April: Evaluating and auditing high-risk AIs: methodological and practical challenges

  • Summary: The EU AI Act requires developers of high-risk AI models to conduct assessments prior to deployment. Evaluating complex AI systems raises numerous methodological and practical challenges. This conference presented existing approaches to assess and audit the safety and reliability of AIs.
  • Speakers:
    • Caroline Jeanmaire, Senior Associate at The Future Society, PhD Candidate in AI Public Policy at Oxford University
    • Pierre Peigné, Chief Scientist Officer at PRISM Eval
    • Antoine Simon, AI assessment and cybersecurity at LNE
    • Benoît Malézieux, AI regulation expert at Giskard

Thursday, April 25: AI, a driver of transformation for work and education

  • Summary: Beyond technical prowess, it is essential to anticipate the consequences of AI on our daily lives. The massive deployment of AI is already transforming the job market and our education systems. The speakers discussed their vision of the future of this technology and its impact on the world of work and education.
  • Speakers:
    • Milo Rignell, COO of LightOn, Associate Researcher - Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies at Institut Montaigne
    • Claire Boine, AI4Humanity Fellow, Mila & CEO, Successif
    • Vincent Corruble, Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence at Sorbonne University
    • Shaden Shabayek, researcher and data scientist at PEReN, associate researcher at Médialab SciencesPo and the Institute for Complex Systems

Tuesday, June 25: Is artificial intelligence an ally or a threat to cybersecurity?

  • Summary: The rise of artificial intelligence is raising new cybersecurity questions. Multimodal AIs are now capable of passing captchas, while persuasive AIs and deepfakes can be used for phishing or to find security breaches. This roundtable brought together technical, institutional, and legal experts to discuss the opportunities and challenges associated with the use of AI in the field of cybersecurity. Speakers discussed ways to secure AI systems, how to guard against emerging threats, but also how AI can be used to strengthen cybersecurity.
  • Speakers:
    • Agnes Delaborde, Head of the Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity Assessment Department, LNE
    • Charlotte Barrot, AI Analyst, CNIL, Ph.D
    • Patrick Perrot, coordinator for artificial intelligence - AI advisor to Comcyber of the Ministry of the Interior
    • Tom David, Institut Montaigne, PRISM Eval, expert in AI governance
    • Alix Durand, head of the coordination and political and transversal analysis office, contributor to the Generative IAG security report

Tuesday, July 9: How to reconcile security, ethics and competitiveness in the development of AI?

  • Summary: The rapid development of artificial intelligence raises many questions about the regulation of this technology. How to ensure the security and reliability of AI systems while maintaining the innovation and competitiveness of economic actors? What are the ethical issues related to AI and how can they be integrated into development strategies? This roundtable explored ways to build an AI ecosystem that is both efficient, responsible and human-centered, in the wake of the EU AI Act.
  • Speakers:
    • Karine Perset, manager of OECD.AI Policy Observatory
    • Raja Chatila, Professor Emeritus at Sorbonne University
    • Nicolas Miailhe, CEO Prism Eval, Chairman of the Board, The Future Society
    • Audrey Herblin-Stoop, Head of Public Affairs, Mistral AI

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