May 31, 2024

The Turing Dialogues: our series of round tables on the challenges of AI

From March 28 to April 25, 2024, we are organizing a series of round tables entitled “Turing Dialogues: the challenges of AI”. These are open to everyone, and are part of CeSIA's mission to raise awareness among the general public and promote debates on AI developments.

Every other Thursday, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., experts will come to discuss the major issues related to the development of AI and share their experience in the field. The idea is to bring together different sectors and confront visions of AI development.

Each round table will take place in the Jaurès amphitheater at ENS Ulm and will be followed by an informal moment of conviviality around a buffet.

The first discussion focused on the theme ”Building ethical and reliable AI: challenges and perspectives“. Vincent Corruble, lecturer in AI at Sorbonne University, Victor Storchan, representative of the Mozilla Foundation, and Charbel-Raphaël Ségerie, researcher and teacher in AI safety, presented their vision of ways to develop AI in the service of the general interest and the safeguards necessary to supervise it, in particular within the framework of the EU AI Act.

On April 11, the round table ”Evaluating and auditing high-risk AIs“ will bring together experts from The Future Society, PRISM Eval, LNE, and Giskard to discuss the challenges of assessing the safety and reliability of complex AI systems prior to deployment.

Finally, on April 25, speakers from LightOn, Institut Montaigne, Sorbonne University, and (subject to confirmation) from PEReN, Decathlon, UNESCO and LNE will discuss the topic ”AI, a transformative driver for work and education“ and will discuss the impact of this technology on our daily lives.

Students, researchers, professionals or simply curious people, come and discuss the crucial issues posed by the rise of artificial intelligence! Free admission within the limit of available seats.

Registration and information:

  • March 28: Round table 1 - Building an ethical and reliable AI: challenges and perspectives
  • April 11: Round table 2 - Evaluating high-risk AIs: methodological and practical challenges
  • April 25: Round table no. 3 - AI, a driver of transformation for work and education
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